Sunday, 4 September 2011

Fathers Day

Dear Mum...

 My father was absent for my whole life but  mum was the best Dad any girl could wish for and I made sure she always knew it, every year I would wish Mum a happy fathers day.

This year is the first year where I don't get to tell her what a truly awesome Dad she is/was.....and it blows...
My eyes are puffy from tears, my head feels poundy and my heart feels heavy as I am reminded of what I lost but through my loss and pain there are the memories of the greatest dad that ever graced this earth.  

Some of us have really sucky dad's but there is always someone else to fill their place in our lives so for those of you out there in the sucky dad club, don't despair on fathers day, but take the time to thank the person in your life who has truly helped to guide you and shape your life, let them know they are loved and cherished and appreciated!!!!!

Happy Fathers Day Mum!!  I love you and miss the shit out of you.......especially today...